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If you are interested in representation with Spark Talent Agency, please send an email with the following required information: a recent headshot, resume, some sort of media clip / reel of you performing and a link to your Actors Access profile to!


Please make sure to check your Actors Access link before sending it. 


If you do not have a professional reel, please tape some sort of scene of you preforming. This can be a monologue or scene from your favorite TV show, however we will need to see some sort of clip of you. 


If you already have theatrical rep, we ask that you hold off submitting at this time until you no longer do so. 


Spark Talent Agency does open every submission we receive, and you will receive an email back either way once your submission has been viewed. Actors can resubmit for representation with Spark Talent Agency every six months. 

© 2024 by Spark Talent Agency

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